The Bug Blog!

It began over a beer at the Union Terrace, as so many good things begin. I was with a group of people discussing our favorite blogs, and, since I've maybe followed one or two in my life, I had little to contribute. I suddenly noticed a small bug struggling in my plastic cup of Rathskellar Special Ale, and scooped it out with my finger. It was an aphid, tiny, with oversized wings and a vivid green color to its body. Such a small unnoticed thing, a mere nuisance in one's drink. But that green, that vivid green, was beautiful.

And then it struck me. A bug blog. As I embark on my journey as a master's student in entomology, why not use a blog to express my fascination and appreciation for these overlooked critters. Insects are, as famed biologist E. O. Wilson says, "the little things that run the world" and there is so much to share about these vital and strange things.

This is my first time venturing out into the blogosphere, and I do so with some trepidation. I want not only to share interesting facts and discoveries about insects, but to document and muse on my adventures as a graduate student: my forays into the cranberry marshes of central Wisconsin, my discussions with 3rd generation cranberry growers,  my wanderings through the woods with a hatchet, searching for unique grubs, and hopefully, my eventual travels to the places with Tse Tse flies and dung beetles, leafcutter ants and giant butterflies. I want to share my enthusiasm and hopefully educate my readers about the importance of insects to ecosystems and to human beings.

So welcome to the Bug Blog! I intend to keep it updated with stories from the field and new information that I learn about insects, spiders, and the occasional other arthropod. And, since I will be spending a lot of time in cranberry country,  I intend to share some insights into the cranberry industry and the people who are an integral part of it. Thank you for reading and there will be more to come...


  1. Never thought I'd be this excited to follow a blog about bugs. Let's hear it, sis!

  2. Terrific idea Ersy. Your avid reader and fan, Aunt Susy


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